as of July 12, 2019

Jackpot Numbers


You’ve got nothing to loose but the JACKPOT!

After running  a lottery group for 27 co-workers for 10 years on paper, and knowing what it takes to keep that going, it was time to get automated and make life a little easier, eliminate the stress of possible mistakes.   

This site was born out of the necessity to become organized and efficient at keeping track of a Lottery Group’s members, lottery ticket numbers and tickets, as well as the finances  for a large group of co-workers.

Our Winning Numbers is in PRIVATE BETA TESTING  at this time so we are not registering new groups.  After Beta Testing is complete, we will ask a limited number of subscribers to help us test the site for the public.  At that time,  only subscribers will be able to register a group.  

Until that time comes, subscribers will get valuable information in the Subscribers Only Area on how to put together and run an organized lottery group without the stress of trying to keep up with who paid this week, who owes, who you left out and who wants in on the next go around.

You will be email notified when we are accepting new groups at which time you can register and keep track of your group right here on Once the group is registered, you  and your members will be able to log in anytime to recall your member list, chosen lottery numbers,  the guidelines that you set up for your group and much, much, more.

For now become an EMAIL SUBSCRIBER and we will let you know when and what steps to take next.  

 Let turn your casual office lottery pool into an Official Lottery Group.